2025 MMA Awards Celebration

  • May 15, 2025
  • 6:00 PM
  • Grand Rapids Public Museum



Please join us as we celebrate the Michigan museum community

May 15, 2025
Grand Rapids Public Museum

Grand Rapids

6:00 - 8:30 pm

Tickets $90

Join your colleagues to celebrate the exceptional work of Michigan's museum community during the annual awards presentation on May 15 at the Grand Rapids Public Museum. 

The Grand Rapids Public Museum is a world-class destination that offers a diverse range of exhibits exploring nature, history, cultural heritage, and more. Spanning three floors, the museum is also home to several unique attractions, including the Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium, the Cook Carousel Pavilion, and the Meijer Theater. Situated along the picturesque banks of the Grand River, the Grand Rapids Public Museum has been a cornerstone of the community for 170 years.

You won't want to miss this night of history, light hors d'oeuvres and drinks, and the opportunity to mingle with your colleagues as we honor this year's award recipients!

6:00–7:00 Museum open house and Cocktail hour
7:00–8:00 Awards Program

Nominate a Colleague for an award here. 

Tickets are available through May 5. 

The Michigan Museums Association is supported in part by an award from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council

Thank you to our Partners!

Michigan Museums Association 313-334-7643 PO Box 5246, Cheboygan, MI 49721 lcbrisson@michiganmuseums.org

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